Campaign Manager - Campaigns

Campaign Settings

Settings contains information about the Campaign, some optional settings, as well as some important settings that control how your Campaign will run.

To open Settings, click the Settings option in the toolbar at the top of Campaign View.

Non-editable Information fields:

Campaign Status

The status of the campaign life cycle:

  • Edit - the status automatically applied when the campaign is created.
  • Pending Approval - the campaign is waiting to be approved. This status only exists if approvals is turned on, or has been turned on in the past.
  • Approving - the campaign has been picked up for approval and is in the process of being approved. This status only exists if approvals is turned on, or has been turned on in the past.
  • Approved - the campaign has been approved and can now be sent out.
  • Active - this status is applied when a campaign is running.
  • Cancelled - the campaign has been cancelled by a user.
  • Paused - the campaign has been paused by a user.
  • Complete - the campaign has reached its end date.
Created By

The user who created the campaign.

Last Modified By The user who last made changes to the campaign.
Campaign Owner The name of the user under which the campaign will execute. Defaults to your login name.
Campaign Key

The resolution level of the campaign output. This could be a household or account key, but would usually be a customer reference number. Campaign Keys are set in Audience elements.

Editable settings and fields:

Create History

This check box is selected by default.

Clear this check box if you want to create a Campaign that does not add any history. For example, you want to create an all-customer notification or a test Campaign.


The date that the Audience processing begins. Processing does not start if you start the Campaign before this date.

End Sending This is the date on which the campaign will no longer implement any actions/creatives or carry out any element polling. The Campaign will still collect event information past the end sending date, however no actions are performed. For example, Recipients will not move between Elements. Events are collected until the End Campaign date.
End Campaign The date that all campaign activity will end. The default is midnight the day the Campaign was created. If the End Campaign date is blank, the campaign will continue to run perpetually until an end date is entered, or the campaign is cancelled.
Description An optional field where you can add a description of the Campaign.

Where the Settings fit into a typical campaign design / flow

It is recommended that you make your changes to the Settings dialog box, in particular the campaign start and end dates, before you validate the campaign.

It is possible that you don't need to make any changes to the Settings, for example if you have created an 'Email Now' campaign to send a one-off email immediately.

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